:Base NFL Forecaster.hlp :Title NFL Forecaster for Windows 95 1 Introduction 2 Introduction=genl_intro 2 Overview=genl_overview 2 Quitting Forecaster=genl_quitting 2 Installing/Uninstalling Forecaster=genl_install 2 Help=m_help 1 New Users 2 What's New=genl_whats_new 2 Trying Out Forecaster=genl_trying_out 2 Catching Up=genl_catching_up 1 Selected Topics 2 Weekly Tasks=m_tasks_weekly 2 Playoff Games and Super Bowl=genl_playoffs 2 Informal Forecasts=genl_view_cat 2 Interpreting Forecasts=genl_interpreting 2 Viewing Rankings and Spreads=genl_view_windows 2 Printing=m_file_print 2 Pop-up Menus=genl_popup_menus 2 NFL Schedule=genl_view_sched 2 NFL Calendar=genl_view_calendar 2 NFL Average Points per Game=genl_NFLappg 2 Annual Update Disk=genl_update_disk 2 File Formats=genl_file_formats 1 Problems and Errors 2 Correcting Mistakes=genl_mistakes 2 Cancelled and Postponed Games=genl_cancelled_games 2 Error and Warning Messages=genl_error_msgs 2 Backups=genl_backups 2 Revert=m_file_revert 2 Reconstructing main-dta.nfl=genl_fix_main_data 1 Registration, Warranty, License 2 Support, Warranty, License=genl_warranty 2 What Is Shareware?=genl_shareware 2 What Is ASP?=genl_asp 2 Why Register NFL Forecaster?=genl_why_register 2 Registration Form=genl_reg_form 1 Command Reference 2 File 3 File=m_file_file 3 Open Current Rankings File 4 Open Current Rankings File=m_file_open_current 3 Open Archive Data File 4 Open Archive Data File=m_file_open_archive 3 Save As 4 Save As=m_file_save_as 4 Save As Main Data File=m_file_save_main 4 Save As Archive Data File=m_file_save_archive 3 Print 4 Print=m_file_print 4 Team Rankings=genl_print_team 4 Division Rankings=genl_print_div 4 Category Rankings=genl_print_cat 4 Spreads=genl_print_spreads 4 Archive Scores and Spreads=genl_print_archive 3 Print Setup 4 Print Setup=m_file_print_setup 3 Revert 4 Revert=m_file_revert 3 Exit 4 Exit=m_file_exit 2 Tasks 3 Tasks=m_tasks_tasks 3 Weekly Tasks 4 Weekly Tasks=m_tasks_weekly 3 Seasonal Tasks 4 Zero Main Data File=m_tasks_zero_main 4 Create New Schedule=m_tasks_make_sched 4 Print Schedule=m_tasks_print_sched 2 Edit 3 Edit=m_edit_edit 3 Copy 4 Copy=m_edit_copy 3 Sort 4 Sort=m_edit_sort 2 Options 3 Options=m_options_options 3 Font 4 Font=m_options_font 3 Preferences 4 Preferences=m_options_prefs 4 General 5 General=m_Options_prefs_genl 5 Show Toolbar=m_options_show_toolbar 5 Show Status Line=m_options_show_status 5 Show Flyby Hints=m_options_show_flyby 4 View Windows 5 View Windows=m_options_view_windows 5 Grids 6 Grids=m_options_grids 6 Vertical Lines=m_options_vert_lines 6 Horizontal Lines=m_options_horz_lines 6 Row Highlighting=m_options_row_highlight 5 Toolbars 6 Toolbars=m_options_toolbars 6 Team Rankings=m_options_toolbar_team 6 Category Rankings=m_Options_toolbar_cat 6 Schedule=m_options_toolbar_sched 5 Names 6 Names=m_options_names 5 Tile 6 Tile=m_options_tile 4 Print 5 Print=m_options_print 5 Font Size Reduction Warning=m_options_size_warn 5 Frames=m_options_frames 5 Reports Title=m_options_report_title 5 Spreads Initials=m_options_spreads_initials 2 Window 3 Window=m_window 3 Cascade=m_wind_cascade_etc 3 Tile=m_wind_cascade_etc 3 Next=m_wind_cascade_etc 3 Previous=m_wind_cascade_etc 3 Restore User Layout=m_wind_restore_user_layout 3 Save Layout=m_wind_save_user_layout 3 Restore Default Layout w/ Default Font=m_wind_restore_default_font 3 Restore Default Layout w/ Current Font=m_wind_restore_current_font 3 Team Rankings=m_wind_all_windows 3 Division Rankings=m_wind_all_windows 3 Category Rankings=m_wind_all_windows 3 Spreads=m_wind_all_windows 3 Archive Spreads=m_wind_all_windows 3 Archive Scores=m_wind_all_windows 3 Schedule=genl_view_sched 3 Calendar=genl_view_calendar 2 Help 3 Help=m_help